“Britt Ingersoll – Cumberland County Historical Society,” Invited Discussion with The Bridgeton Beacon, (August 2024). https://www.bridgetonbeacon.com/britt-ingersoll-cumberland-county-historical-society/?fbclid=IwY2xjawEy0CxleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHduLhYul4F0lzUfkQ39dadnbyPEuuRPx-xTg1oVhzfxPjUqBh3QFq_Fyqw_aem_OjyFWshSLjSp1mvahnLtUg
“Advertising Masculinity: 19th Century Manhood and Brothel Guides” Invited Live Stream discussion with The Tattooed Historian, (May 20, 2020). https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=252742742473827&id=1077362795626958&ref=m_notif¬if_t=comment_mention
“Aspirational News: Women’s Publications of the Early 20th Century,” Invited Talk Cumberland County Library, (March 2023)
“Otis G. Bellows and Amusements in Cumberland County,” Invited Talk Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, (August 2022)
“The Willard House in Bridgeton, NJ” Invited Talk for the Millville Woman’s Club, Millville, NJ, (March 10, 2022)
“Treating Vineland’s Prostitutes: Disorderly Houses and the State School for Feeble Minded Women 1861-1900,” Invited Talk for the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) at the Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society, Vineland, NJ, (October 14, 2019).
“Treating Vineland’s Prostitutes: Disorderly Houses and the State School for Feeble Minded Women 1861-1900,” Invited Talk for the Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society, Vineland, NJ, (April 13, 2019).
“Newspaper Ladies & The Messy History of Feminism in Bridgeton, NJ 1890 – Present” Invited Talk for the Greenwich Presbyterian Church, Greenwich, NJ (February 22, 2019).
“Illuminating Seraglios: Brothel Guides as a Literary Device,” Invited Talk for the Cumberland County Historical Society, Greenwich, NJ, (May 19, 2018).
“Home Economy of the 18th Century in Greenwich, New Jersey,” Tour held by the Cumberland County Historical Society for the Delaware Colonial Dames, Greenwich, NJ (April 19, 2018).
“Illuminating Seraglios: Brothel Guides as a Literary Device,” Celebration of Graduate Research and Creative Activity (CGRCA), Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, (April 10, 2018).
“Illuminating Seraglios: Brothel Guides as a Literary Device,” Invited Talk for The 23rd Annual Barnes Club Graduate Student History Conference, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, (March 24, 2018).
“Illuminating Seraglios: Brothel Guides as a Literary Device,” Invited Talk for Poor Richard’s Junto: Rutgers Graduate History Club, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, (February 2018).
“The Real Story of Halloween,” Invited Talk for The Church of the Resurrection, Millville, NJ, (October 2017).