"This is a book about the call girl: her psychology, her life and the men in her life." writes Dr. Harold Greenwald in his book Call Girl: A Social and Psychoanalytic Study, published in 1958. Greenwald further asserts that "The call girls in this book are the aristocrats of prostitution. They live … [Read more...] about “The Call Girl”: Dr. Harold Greenwald, His Book, and the Movie 1958-1960
“The way Hope builds his House”: A Visit to Emily Dickinson’s Home
On May 28th, my brother and I embarked on a road trip from South Jersey to Deerfield, Massachusetts. We drove 20 minutes to Amherst to visit Emily Dickinson's home the next day. The Homestead, as it is called, is situated on a beautiful hilly strip of land that once included an operating farm that … [Read more...] about “The way Hope builds his House”: A Visit to Emily Dickinson’s Home
“America’s Sherlock Holmes” or the Bluth’s Gene Parmesan?: Clifton R. Wooldridge and his “Tricks and Traps” 1898-1919
I found this little gem, titled Tricks and Traps Over 100 Varieties of Confidence Games, Fakers Snares and Swindles Worked on the Unwary, True Thrilling Experiences and Trials, at a record store I frequent, due to its fragility, the publication was placed in a plastic holder, with "Victoria Era … [Read more...] about “America’s Sherlock Holmes” or the Bluth’s Gene Parmesan?: Clifton R. Wooldridge and his “Tricks and Traps” 1898-1919
Forbidden Publishing: Cadillac Publishing Inc. and their Bouts with the Law
I have come to acknowledge that I have unintentionally started a small collection of nineteenth- and twentieth-century sex manuals. My most recent purchase is The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Sex from May 1954, originally published in 1950. The book was written by several authors, the ones listed … [Read more...] about Forbidden Publishing: Cadillac Publishing Inc. and their Bouts with the Law
Book Update
Initially, I was planning on doing the December blog on a 1950s Sex Manual and then remembered this blog was supposed to be a book update. I am going to push back the Sex Manual blog to January and it will most likely be a two-parter. My initial goal was to have a draft of my first chapter … [Read more...] about Book Update
An Album of “Love and Friendship”: Mary C. Lear and Her Autograph Book 1882-1884
I'm excited to get a chance to write amidst school and work. Because of the busyness of the season, this post will be much shorter than usual. This past summer I picked up an autograph book that was given to Mary C. Lear by what appears to be her Sunday school class in Mt. Airy on September 24, … [Read more...] about An Album of “Love and Friendship”: Mary C. Lear and Her Autograph Book 1882-1884
In Your Dreams: Dr John’s Dream Book c.1890-1930
Several years ago, while wandering around the Vineland Flea Market, I stumbled upon a small booklet on a pile of miscellaneous items. It was an exciting find! Although no date is printed on it, I guessed that it was probably from the 1880s-1920s. The small publication is titled Dr. John's Recipe and … [Read more...] about In Your Dreams: Dr John’s Dream Book c.1890-1930
Writing Blog: Introduction Update
I am slowly working my way through my book and have approached my first deadline -the introduction. I wanted to have a draft of it completed by September 1st. My goal was to have my introduction be 10,000 words, roughly 20 pages. I finished editing the first draft of my introduction on August 31st … [Read more...] about Writing Blog: Introduction Update
Russell Thacher Trall & His Book “Sexual Physiology” Part 2
Restore woman to health, and give her what God has ordained as her birthright-- the control of her own person -- and the trade of the abortionist will soon cease; but until then not only will the abortionist flourish, but the larger race of empirics in every city, who sell useless or injurious … [Read more...] about Russell Thacher Trall & His Book “Sexual Physiology” Part 2
Writing Blog: I Have Begun Writing a Book…
As I wait on a book for the second part of the Trall blog, I have decided to share some news - I have begun writing a book on nineteenth-century brothel guides. I honestly did not think this research would become a book, I could not see it grow into something more than my Commonplace article, … [Read more...] about Writing Blog: I Have Begun Writing a Book…