Last time my partner and I went to Philly we visited the record store, The Long In the Truth where I was excited to find a small green book titled Sexual Physiology: A Scientific and Popular Exposition of the Fundamental Problems in Sociology by Russell Thacher Trall, published in 1874. Upon looking … [Read more...] about Russell Thacher Trall & the Water Cure Movement
What is this Really?: Maurice Pepin’s WWI-Era Postcards
Recently on a visit to Cape May, NJ my partner and I stopped by an antique shop that we have visited many times before. I purchased several pieces of ephemera and a TY Beanie Baby Goose named "Loosy." No, I will not remove the tag, I do not want her to lose her monetary value, haha. I digress, two … [Read more...] about What is this Really?: Maurice Pepin’s WWI-Era Postcards
Fantasy & History
At midnight on August 2, 2008, after several hours of playing Twilight Trivia and other related games at the Hamilton Borders (now BAM), my best friend Aly and I finally got our copies of the much-anticipated book Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. The rest of the weekend we spent our time devouring … [Read more...] about Fantasy & History
Brothel Token: Fantasy or Repro?
A couple of years ago, my brother gave me what appeared to be a reproduction of a nineteenth-century brothel token for my birthday. One side of the coin “All Night $3 Check” is engraved and the other side reads “Uncle Sam Hotel 12 Beautiful Young Ladies to Assist You Yuma Arizona Territory.” Further … [Read more...] about Brothel Token: Fantasy or Repro?
Books & Herbs 1936-1939
This past year, like many millennials in their 30’s, I have accumulated over twenty house plants. I have also become interested in the different uses of herbs and have made three different salves and candles. I was excited when I stumbled upon a collection of herb books from c. 1930s-1940s. Two of … [Read more...] about Books & Herbs 1936-1939
A Prescription for Married Couples: Sex Manuals & Marriage Guides 1850-1952
While browsing in a bookstore in Philly called Brickbat Books, my partner handed me a booklet encased in a plastic sleeve. It was a 1952 manual titled, Sex Manual for Those Married or About to Be Written for the Layman by George Lombard Kelly and the foreword by Robert B. Greenblatt. The manual is … [Read more...] about A Prescription for Married Couples: Sex Manuals & Marriage Guides 1850-1952
Stepped into the World of Van Gogh
My partner and I attended the Vincent Van Gogh exhibit, Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia. We had no idea what to expect and did not know what else was included other than the projection show and even there we did not know how long it would be or if it was a … [Read more...] about Stepped into the World of Van Gogh
La Longue Durée and The Last Unicorn
In a forest where the season is only ever Spring, existed one Unicorn – the last. The troubling realization that she was the only unicorn led her on a journey to find the others. Along the way she befriends Schmendrick the Magician and Molly Grue, who accompany her on her quest. Together they travel … [Read more...] about La Longue Durée and The Last Unicorn
Lights! Camera! Lecture…
I just completed a talk that I presented this past January and I am working on another one for this March. The January lecture was my eleventh or twelfth talk and it took me a bit to figure out what works best for me. When I say took me a bit, I mean I kept doing something that obviously did not … [Read more...] about Lights! Camera! Lecture…
First Time Publishing an Article
This year, I had my first article published outside of my work’s newsletter. I was over the moon when I held the magazine and flipped to page 77 and saw my name! You bet I memorized the page number. I started writing small articles for my job’s newsletter in 2016. The articles are short due to the … [Read more...] about First Time Publishing an Article